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Description of Funds

General Fund
The General Fund helps support daily operations and the many programs our synagogue offers in the community throughout the year. Our goal to offer the best in Jewish programming is made possible by gifts from you and others who are dedicated to the future of B’nai Shalom of Olney.

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
Donations to this fund allow the rabbi to respond to needs in the community either by directly and confidentially assisting congregants in need, by supporting other worthy organizations, or by providing scholarships for Jewish programming.

Stand with Israel Fund
Donations to this fund will directly support Yamam.  Yamam is Israel's National Counter Terrorism and Hostage Rescue Team.  Yamam fighters were the first to reach the battlefield after October 7 and are playing a crucial role in the Israeli war with Hamas.

Endowment Fund
Contributions will be added to the synagogue’s endowment, the purpose of which is to provide an additional source of annual income to strengthen the congregation’s financial foundation. By making a restricted gift to this permanent fund, you are helping to support B’nai Shalom of Olney for many generations to come.

Chai Circle Fund
Contributions will have a direct effect on supporting those individuals and families in our community who are unable to afford the full cost of membership at B’nai Shalom of Olney. Donations from you and other donors to the Chai Circle permit those in need to enjoy and benefit from being a part of our synagogue.

Alex P. Kovalsky Endowment Fund
This fund is especially meaningful as it memorializes the short life of Alex Kovalsky, a 16 year-old young man who lived with intellectual disabilities and profound deafness. Throughout his life, Alex benefited greatly from Jewish organizations that promoted inclusion. Your gift will be added to the funds that provide scholarships to individuals with special needs so they can participate in Jewish educational and social programs. Additionally, funds are available to groups organizing programs that directly benefit children and adults living with special needs, helping someone to live life as fully and exuberantly as Alex did.

Scholar in Residence Fund
Contributions help support this outstanding program, dedicated to bringing top Judaic scholars to BSO for periods of meaningful learning and engagement. Our distinguished scholars have inspired our congregation with a range of significant topics and a wealth of knowledge.

Louis and Miriam Brown Memorial Endowment Fund
Donations will help support the acquisition and maintenance of precious ritual items for BSO, including but not limited to, purchase, repair and/or cleaning of Torahs, Mezzuzot, Havdalah items, Menorahs, Tallit and Siddurim.

Kiddush Fund
Donations support our weekly Onegim and Kiddushim and enhance the Shabbat and holiday experiences for our community.

Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785