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Each year, B'nai Shalom of Olney puts out a Passover Guide to help our community prepare for the annual celebration of Pesach.

The guide below is from the lead up to Passover in 5784. It will be updated to the 5785 Passover guide a few months before Passover in 2025.

BSO Passover Schedule for 5784

   Monday   April 22nd

First Night of Pesach - First Seder

7:35 PM

Yom Tov Candle Lighting 

 Tuesday,   April 23rd

First Day of Pesach & Second Seder

9:15 AM

Yom Tov Pesach Morning Services

8:37 PM

Yom Tov Candle Lighting

Wednesday, April 24th

Second Day of Pesach

9:15 AM
Yom Tov Pesach Morning Services
8:38 PM

Thursday, April 25th

Third Day of Pesach (Hol Ha-Moed)

7:30 PM

Evening Minyan

Friday, April 26th

Fourth Day of Pesach (Hol Ha-Moed)

6:30 PM
Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma'ariv Services

S'machot Shabbat celebrating birthdays and anniversaries in the month of April
7:39 PM
Shabbat Candle Lighting

Saturday, April 27th

Fifth Day of Pesach (Hol Ha-Moed)

9:15 AM
Shabbat Hol Ha-Mo-ed Pesach Morning Services

8:41 PM


Sunday, April 28th

Sixth Day of Pesach (Hol Ha-Moed)

9:00 AM

Program: J-LAB Religious School Passover Programming

9:00 AM
Sunday Morning Hol Ha-Mo-ed Pesach Minyan

7:30 PM

Evening Minyan  - In Person and on Zoom

7:41 PM

Yom Tov Candle Lighting

Monday, April 29th

Seventh Day of Pesach

9:15 AM
Yom Tov Pesach Morning Services
8:43 PM
Yom Tov Candle Lighting

Tuesday, April 30th

Eighth Day of Pesach

9:15 AM
Yom Tov Pesach Morning Services, including Yizkor
8:44 PM

        Pre-Pesach Learning with Rabbi Nagelberg

Ma Nishtana Ha-Shanah Hazeh? 

Celebrating Passover in the Shadow of October 7th

Thursday, April 18 at 11:00 AM

Join Rabbi Nagelberg for a conversation about how we are processing one of our tradition's most joyous holidays while Israel is at war. Together, we will look at ways Jews have celebrated Chag haCherut (the holiday of freedom) during previous wars and explore prayers and writings that have been crafted for this years Seders.

                             Selling Your Chametz

Since ownership of chametz (bread and other leavened products) is not allowed during Pesach, ideally all chametz in one's possession would be given away or destroyed before the holiday begins. Since this often represents a financial hardship, the practice arose for people to store away their chametz before Pesah and arrange to sell it for the duration of the holiday. By filling out the form linked below, you are appointing Rabbi Nagelberg to arrange the sale on your behalf. 

Authorize Here

What are Maot Hittim?

Jews preparing to celebrate Pesach have always been concerned that everyone in the Jewish community be able to do so. Maot Hittim is the special fund used to buy Passover supplies for those who need them, so that no one need be deprived of any supplies or be unable to prepare a Seder because of economic difficulty. To participate in this important mitzvah, you can make a contribution to the Rabbi's Discretionary Fund (marked “Maot Hittim”).

Please note: No contribution is necessary to authorize the rabbi to sell your chametz.

Donate Here

                         Connect and Prepare

In the Haggadah, we declare, “All who are hungry, come and eat; all who are needy come and celebrate Passover?” Opening our homes to Jews in need includes those who would otherwise be alone.

BSO’s “SederMatch” is the answer. Maybe you are looking for a place to share Seder or maybe you have a little extra room at your Seder table this year. Or maybe you can make some room? Many wonderful friendships have been made at Seder and we will make the right match for you.

Click HERE to fill out the form to share if you would like to be hosted or if you would welcome a guest to your Seder.

Each year, the Rabbinical Assembly, the rabbinic organization of the Conservative Movement, publishes a handbook with the most updated halachic guidance on how to prepare your home for Passover, which foods are acceptable to be eaten during Passover, and other important points of knowledge for this year's observance of Pesach. Click below to view this years handbook

5784 RA Pesach Guide

Click HERE to access ExploringJudaism's  Not A Haggadah 5784 Passover Reader

Click HERE for ExploringJudaism's (very cute!) 4 Questions Hotline & Passover Cleaning Support

Click HERE for information about Bedikat Chametz (the formal search for leaven) and the blessings that go along with it, courtesy of the Rabbinical Assembly

Click HERE for Passover printables and activities from PJ Library. And click HERE for all of their Passover Resources for children and families.

                            The Kitchen Corner

Cooking ideas you can't

If you don't know what to make for passover this year, find new recipes in this Pesach Cookbook from our partners at the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism.

Cookbook Recipes

Kashering the BSO
Kitchen for Passover

If you are able to volunteer some on Wednesday, April 17 and/or Thursday, April 18 to help clean and turn over the BSO Kitchen, please email Helene Rosenheim at

Tue, January 14 2025 14 Tevet 5785