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Register for Camp Ami at the ECS for the Summer of 2025!
We look forward to welcoming your child to our program.
Camp Ami 2025 runs from June 23- August 10, 2025. See our Camp Ami Session Details here.
Camp Ami offers a Half-Day program from 9 am- 1pm and a Full Day program from 9 am- 4pm, with options for Early Care starting at 8 am and Late Care until 5pm. Camp Ami offers 5-day programming to best support your child's speedy and comfortable transition into the program. Camp Ami 2025 Tuition Rates and Schedule Options Camp Ami is a program of the ECS and is licensed by the State of MD. We have a list of required forms that need to be updated annually. New families will need to complete all required forms and return them to the ECS office no later than June 1st, 2025 (link will be sent in confirmation email). Families currently enrolled in the ECS will be contacted if any forms need to be updated. School Year registration for the Early Childhood School is open! If you would like to learn more about our school year program, please reach out to Kfirah at to schedule a tour.
I understand that Camp Ami strives to spend time outdoors each day and children may get dirty during outdoor play. I agree to apply sunscreen and bug spray each morning and send my child in weather-appropriate clothing. Weather alerts and warnings issued by the county will be followed by the Camp and healthy handwashing practices are taught in the classroom.
Fri, February 14 2025 16 Shevat 5785
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