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Camp Ami 2025 Registration

Register for Camp Ami at the ECS for the Summer of 2025!

We look forward to welcoming your child to our program. 

Camp Ami 2025 runs from June 23- August 10, 2025. See our Camp Ami Session Details here.

  • Session 1: June 23- July 3 (closed July 4th)
  • Session 2: July 7-18
  • Session 3: July 21- August 1
  • Session 4: August 4- 15 (1pm dismissal for all children on 8/15)

Camp Ami offers a Half-Day program from 9 am- 1pm and a Full Day program from 9 am- 4pm, with options for Early Care starting at 8 am and Late Care until 5pm. Camp Ami offers 5-day programming to best support your child's speedy and comfortable transition into the program.
Camp Ami 2025 Tuition Rates and Schedule Options 

Camp Ami is a program of the ECS and is licensed by the State of MD. We have a list of required forms that need to be updated annually. New families will need to complete all required forms and return them to the ECS office no later than June 1st, 2025 (link will be sent in confirmation email). Families currently enrolled in the ECS will be contacted if any forms need to be updated. 

School Year registration for the Early Childhood School is open! If you would like to learn more about our school year program, please reach out to Kfirah at to schedule a tour.



If you are enrolling multiple children, a second section will be provided below.
The ECS is a welcoming and inclusive environment.
If you mark "other" we will reach out to confirm how we can best support your child. 

Toddlers are for children 18- 23 months old on the first day of camp.
Twos are for children 2 years old on the first day of camp.
Threes are for children 3 years old on the first day of camp.
Pre-K is for children 4 or 5 years old on the first day of camp.

See the Camp Ami Daily Routine here. 

Camp Ami offers drop-in hours at the rate of $20/hr when space is available. Requests to drop in can be sent to the ECS Director.

Payment must be made in full by June 1st, 2025, as which point no refunds will be given. Schedule adjustment requests must be made before June 1st, 2025.
Our full day program includes a nap or rest time for all children. Children 2 and under must nap.
Children over 2 may start the year in the nap room and transition to the rest room as they phase out of nap.

To Enroll a Second Child, please complete the information below.
The ECS is a welcoming and inclusive environment.
If you mark "other" we will reach out to confirm how we can best support your child. 

Special Medical Needs

The health and safety of your children is our primary concern. In order to best support your child, please share any allergies, medical conditions or surgical history that is important for us to know.
Please note that additional medical forms may be required for some allergies and/or medical conditions.

Permissions and Agreements
I grant permission for ECS teachers to apply any non-prescription lotion, lip balm. sunscreen, bug spray or diaper cream that I supply to the school. I understand that any ointments must be in their original container and labeled with my child's name. 
I understand that Camp Ami uses the Remini app for school and classroom communications and agree that at least one parent/guardian will create an account.
I understand that I will receive a weekly newsletter from the ECS and email communications from the Director that may include important information for my child.
I understand that community is an important aspect of my child's school experience and agree to share my contact information (phone number and email) with the Parent's Committee and within the Camp Directory (provided only to registered ECS families). 

I understand that Camp Ami strives to spend time outdoors each day and children may get dirty during outdoor play. I agree to apply sunscreen and bug spray each morning and send my child in weather-appropriate clothing. Weather alerts and warnings issued by the county will be followed by the Camp and healthy handwashing practices are taught in the classroom.

A non-refundable registration fee and $200 deposit is due at the time of registration for each child, regardless of BSO membership.
I understand that the registration fee per child is $30 per session or $100 for the entire summer and is non-refundable. If I cancel my registration or decide to withdraw my child before or during camp then I will not receive a refund.
By checking this box, summer and is non-refundable. If I cancel my registration or decide to withdraw my child before or during camp then I will not receive a refund.
The non-refundable registration fee and $200 deposit per child are required to complete the registration process.
Camp Ami & Early Childhood School Payment Policy
  • Camp Ami at the Early Childhood School registration is considered complete once this application is submitted and payment of registration fee and deposit is received.
  • Tuition is calculated per session and must be paid in full by June 1st, 2025. Tuition will not be prorated for mid-session enrollment or withdrawal.
  • Any requests to change schedule must be received before June 1st, 2025.
  • The Early Childhood School at B’nai Shalom of Olney does not discriminate against students or staff on the basis of race, religion, sexual orientation, gender or national origin.
  • If at any time the Director of Early Childhood Education determines that the Early Childhood School program cannot provide appropriate support for the specialized needs of a student, enrollment will be terminated. Remaining tuition will be refunded as a result of this decision. 
  • The Executive Committee and Director of Early Childhood School reserve the right to make decisions about weather and health-related closings for the safety of our students and staff.
  • All BSO members must be in “good standing” to qualify for member tuition rates.
By typing your name in the box below, you verify that all of the information above is true and accurate to your knowledge. Further, you acknowledge that you have given permission or approved of all parts of this application form.
Registration is only complete following payment. Click "Submit" to proceed to payment options.
Fri, February 14 2025 16 Shevat 5785