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Purim celebrates the courage of Queen Esther, who pleaded before King Ahasuerus to save the Jews of Persia from the destructive plot of the wicked Haman. Drawing on keywords from the Scroll of Esther, v’nahafokh hu (the plot was turned on its head), Purim is celebrated as “topsy-turvy day”. Children and adults dress in costume, and the day is marked by feasting and revelry. The four commandments of the holiday include: reading the Megillah (Scroll of Esther), Se’udat Purim (Purim feast), Mishloach Manot (sending gifts of food), and Matanot L’evyonim (charitable gifts to the poor).

At BSO, children and adults come in costume, and the Megillah is chanted by members of the congregation. Our annual Purim carnival is always a good time for the young and old! 

Sat, September 14 2024 11 Elul 5784