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Daily Minyan

Daily Minyan

Weekday evening services are led by BSO congregants Monday through Thursday at 7:30 PM. The BSO Evening Minyan currently meets on Zoom. Please reach out to the BSO Office for the Zoom link and password.

On Sunday mornings, we meet in the Shuman Family Chapel at BSO at 9:00 AM for Shacharit and Schmear. Start your Sunday with Minyan and a bagel! This service can also be attended through the BSO Zoom link.

We encourage our members to participate in daily minyan as a form of daily connection to God and community and as a way to support those in our kehilla reciting Kaddish.

Minyan is on Zoom!


  • Monday - Thursday: 7:30 p.m.
  • Sunday - 9:00 a.m.


Sat, September 14 2024 11 Elul 5784